5 Signs of Software Engineer Burnout and How to Reduce It
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5 Signs of Software Engineer Burnout and How to Reduce It

All about software engineers going through a burnout phase and how they can handle it.

Does your software development team feel tired and burnt out? They should have a healthier diet! 

This is the number one advice given by many project managers when their development team starts to look fatigued and drained out. However, that is the last thing an exhausted software engineer wants to hear regarding their burnout. 

Rather than giving out generic advice, managers can try to utilize some authentic strategies that will not only help you overcome your burnout, but also prevent it. You also will be able to discover how to recognise five warning signs of software developer burnout and how to lessen their effects. By doing this, you will be able to combat this difficulty and keep your team’s production levels high.

What is professional Burnout?

The World Health Organization describes burnout as a syndrome that is thought to be caused by ongoing workplace stress that has not been effectively controlled. It typically has three characteristics:

  • feelings of energy exhaustion or depletion;
  • reduced professional productivity;
  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job.

Simply put, you may be experiencing burnout if you suddenly feel drained, disengaged from your work, and unable to complete your chores with ease.

Burnout in Tech: Is it real?

No matter the industry, burnout is a common occurrence. However, the tech sector is most impacted because of the complicated workloads and high productivity needs. 60 percent of tech workers said they are now feeling burned out at work, according to a study from Team Blind.

They had to respond to one question on the poll with a straightforward yes or no: “Are you now experiencing job burnout?”

The poll revealed current trends in technology, demonstrating that a significant portion of IT workers are vulnerable to software burnout. You may be wondering if software burnout just affects tech employees in large corporations. Burnout is a problem that many tech workers encounter, regardless of whether they work for a startup or an organization that pays well.

Why are developers prone to burnout?

Burnout affects more than half of American workers, but those in high-stress industries are more vulnerable. For many different reasons, software development can be a very stressful profession.

  • Unrealistic Deadlines
  • Staggering amounts of tasks
  • Deployments With a High Risk
  • Distracting, Unplanned Tasks
  • Not enough support and not enough autonomy
  • Insufficient communication with management

Several programmers even have to deal with these problems simultaneously. You’re up against a looming deadline, meetings scheduled all day long, quick testing of the upcoming release, and an influx of bug requests that “only you can fix.” In the end, you couldn’t meet the deadline, even though you managed to fix a few bugs, but the process caused you to create even more errors. It is challenging to have a dialogue about burnout when there is so much demand from the outside to ‘move quicker’ and ‘do more’ as part of one’s job responsibilities.

These root reasons for developer burnout are often ignored, leading to a never-ending uphill battle fraught with stress and frustration.

What are the causes of software engineer burnout?

Recognizing what might trigger software engineer burnouts will help a great deal in coping with the problem better.

Here are the major causes of programmer burnout:


One of the apparent reasons for software burnout is a heavy workload. Software engineers frequently have a variety of programming projects with tight deadlines. As a result, people put in long hours at work, and the constant stress they experience puts them at risk for burnout.


Just like high workload, personality traits play a great role in causing programmer fatigue. When a software developer is obsessed about every little detail about their work and cannot delegate or outsource minor tasks, they might suffer from burnout. Allowing programmers to work as a team frees up time for senior developers to focus on vital development tasks, minimizing fatigue. As software engineers seek perfection, they need to know where to draw the line. 

Lack of role clarity:

Your software team may become worn out working on tasks that don’t advance the project if they don’t know what the organization expects from them. The more time they take to understand your expectations, the more time they need to spend on that activity and the greater the risk of burnout.

Deficit of communication:

Stress at work can be effectively reduced through communication. When your team feels like there is no open channel for discussing their job issues, they tend to bottle it up, which can cause their mental stress and unresolved personal issues to drain their energy more quickly than usual.

Absence of support and relationship:

Software engineer burnout can result from taking on various duties and responsibilities without receiving enough assistance from others. Your developer will frequently overwork, raising their risk of software burnout, if they feel alone and lack close supportive ties at work. You’d be shocked to learn how much those brief conversations between chores might help prevent burnout.

Lack of adequate sleep and free time:

This undervalued factor greatly contributes to software engineer tiredness. Insufficient sleep makes it difficult for the brain to perform at its best. Burnout is anticipated when the brain is subjected to long periods of mental work without getting enough sleep. Additionally, a software engineer will experience burnout if they frequently work extra and do not take breaks for socializing and relaxing.

How to reduce software developer burnout?

Although burnout is frequent in the IT industry, it seriously undermines the success and completion of a software development project when a software engineer is burned out. The most crucial thing for you to do as a manager is to make sure you have a positive team culture and take care of your software team beyond just giving them duties.

In order to keep the team motivated and assist them in reaching the overall goal, you may also establish an open line of communication. Finding innovative approaches to deal with developer fatigue without jeopardizing your projects is the trick.

Software development collaboration solutions can help you better manage your team and increase their output as a whole. However, here are a few tips that can help:

Encourage and allow healthy habits

Encourage your team members to engage in physical activity and adopt healthy eating practises both inside and outside of the office.

A software engineer may spend countless hours slumped over his workstation coding. To break up this unhealthy work schedule and prevent software burnout, it is crucial to advise brief breaks.

Additionally, you can motivate your team members to follow a sleep schedule because getting enough sleep enhances brain efficiency.

Improve team communication

One thing is for sure, managing a remote development team successfully does not include following a single, effective rule. However, keeping appropriate communication channels open is a good place to start if you want to hire remote developers.

Enhancing team communication makes it much easier for software engineers to talk openly about any problems at work.

Organize team bonding activities that encourage interaction and participation 

Monthly team-building events are a terrific idea. The hazards of software burnout are greatly reduced when software developers participate in activities outside of the office.

Make connections with your team members during these events. Help them realize you care about them more than just giving them programming chores. When you observe a team member’s lack of interest or enthusiasm, you can also monitor early indications of software burnout.

What If My Team Is Already Burnt Out?

Employee burnout is a widespread problem in today’s workplace. Let’s speak about what to do if your team is already burned out because all this talk about preventing burnout isn’t much help if you’re already feeling the burnout. Many different approaches can be taken to lessen the effects of burnout on your team.

How To Help Your Team Deal With Burnout?

When you feel that a team member is experiencing burnout, what steps should you take to address the issue before it escalates into a more serious problem?

Understand The Root Cause 

Getting to the bottom of why your staff is so burned out is important before taking any corrective measures. Burnout in the workplace can be caused by several circumstances, including an excessive workload, a lack of leadership, a vague understanding of one’s job and responsibilities, and unfair treatment. Of course, extraneous causes, including financial or family-related stress, may contribute to your team’s burnout.

No matter the source of burnout on your team, having open conversations with your employees is helpful. This will not only help you figure out what your team needs, but it will also show that you’ve noticed that they aren’t being themselves and are willing to lend a hand in overcoming it.

Be An Advocate 

One of the essential functions of a team leader or manager is to act as an advocate for the team. This includes taking care of and supporting the people under your supervision. In the case of burnout, this is especially true—advocate for your teammates in various ways, each appropriate to the underlying cause of their burnout.

Offer More Flexible Work Schedules

Let’s imagine a lot of people on your team are feeling exhausted because of stress in their personal life. Providing employees with additional time off and a more relaxed work schedule can significantly help. This allows them to attend to their personal needs without the distraction of having to be online from 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Demonstrate Compassion And Empathy

Being empathetic and compassionate at work can help you deal with burnout more effectively. While overcoming this challenge together, there will likely be moments in which you or your team may become frustrated with one another. You’ll be able to rely on one another more throughout this trying period.

When team members start to show signs of burnout, it can be easy to take it personally. No matter how diligently you attempt to avoid it, burnout can result from various causes. It’s essential to show inward compassion and empathy as well as external kindness and understanding when leading a team.


Why do software engineers get burned out?

Burnout occurs in software developers for a variety of causes. To begin with, they spend countless hours slouching over their desks while working on deadline-driven projects. The excessive, unsustainable workloads for the majority of software developers quickly result in burnout.

What is software engineer burnout?

Burnout in software engineers is a syndrome brought on by ongoing work-related stress that has not been effectively controlled. It is typically indicated by feelings of energy depletion or tiredness, decreased professional productivity, a greater mental detachment from one’s job, or emotions of pessimism or cynicism about one’s employment.

What are the symptoms of developer burnout?

The symptoms of developer burnout you might spot very early are:

  1. Lack of motivation
  2. Irritation and negative energy
  3. Physical exhaustion
  4. Depression
  5. Stomach disorders
  6. Sleeplessness
  7. Extreme fatigue
  8. Frequent headaches

How do you prevent software engineer burnout?

These are some tips that can help you prevent burnout:

  1. Do not overwork
  2. Have a work-life balance
  3. Participate in recreational activities
  4. Communicate work difficulties early
  5. Exercise often and get enough sleep
  6. Always find ways to keep the passion alive


Burnout is characterized by feeling physically and mentally spent and unmotivated. Your staff would feel as though they were drowning in obligations and would have little energy to spare. It’s never easy to deal with team burnout. There are, however, steps you can do as a manager to increase your chances of recognizing the warning signs and responding effectively. You may lessen the adverse effects of team burnout and possibly even strengthen your relationship with your employees by putting some of the advice we provided above into practice.

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