Emma William, Author at Hire Remote Developers | Build Teams in 24 Hours - Gaper.io
Emma William

Author: Emma William

Glenn Reed is the CFO at Intellishift. Experienced, agile, continuous learner and hyper growth focused tech exec. EBITDA driven, financial professional with an ongoing interest in new and developing business models and ever increasing efficiency in delivering services to our Customers.

Blogs By Author: Emma William

The Best Tech Stack for Android App Development

December 20, 2022
Creating a successful mobile app requires catering to a wide range of user preferences and choosing the right mobile application technology stack.

How to Hire Developers in New York

December 13, 2022
Hiring talent solely from New York is an even greater task now. It is filled to the brim with ginormous corporations and software startups, however, is the city’s market as…

Best Countries to Hire Developers From in 2023 – Developer Rates and Salaries

December 8, 2022
Remote development teams are often considerably less expensive than hiring local, in-office personnel. Sending work abroad can enable certain businesses to save up to 80% of their costs or more.

What is AI?: All You Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence

December 6, 2022
What exactly is AI and how does it work? Read on to learn everything you need to know about AI.

How to Hire Quality Assurance Engineers For Your Business

November 29, 2022
This article guides the reader on how to hire quality assurance engineers. It also elaborates on essential aspects of the software developer hiring process.

How to Hire Front-End Developers for Your Tech Team

November 28, 2022
This article guides the reader on ways to hire front-end developers for tech teams. It will cover all the essential aspects related to hiring front-end developers.

How to Hire Full-Stack Developers

November 22, 2022
What You Need to Know on How to Hire Full Stack Developers?

How to Hire Node.js Developers

November 3, 2022
When looking to hire Node.js developers for web application development, employers and recruiters need to keep in mind the cost of hiring, technical skills and soft skills of a candidate.

A Guide To Coding For Dummies

October 31, 2022
A one-stop guide to coding for dummies to help beginners build their foundation of knowledge and get a kickstart to code.

Skills Needed to Become an Android Developer: Learning Android Development

October 25, 2022
Learning Android development is definitely worthwhile for anyone who is interested in getting into mobile application development.

5 Skills Needed to Become a Java Developer

October 24, 2022
A guide to become a Java Developer!

How to Hire AWS Lambda Developers – Recruiter and Employer Guide for 2022

October 19, 2022
AWS Lambda allows its users to run programs in multiple different languages including Java, Python, and C#, as well as many different types of applications or back-end services. What does…

How to Choose a Technology Stack for iOS Development

October 17, 2022
A technology stack combines technologies, platforms, and services that create web apps or mobile applications. The tech stack should simplify the application development process instead of complicating it. This article…

7 Advantages of Node.js for Startups

October 28, 2022
The advantages of Node.js makes it popular amongst startups to develop e-commerce, real-time, or social networking applications making it important to hire a Node.js developer for every tech team.

How To Hire Django Developers

October 13, 2022
A guide to hiring Django Developers

How To Hire jQuery Developers

October 12, 2022
An extensive guide for hiring the best jQuery developers.

How to Hire Ruby Developers

October 10, 2022
Guide to hiring Ruby Developers

How to Become an iOS Developer: Learning iOS Development

October 18, 2022
A beginner's guide on how to become an iOS developer and learn iOS development so you can build applications that work on Apple's devices and ecosystem.

How to Become a Ruby Developer: Learning Ruby Development

October 20, 2022
The demand for Ruby developers is continuing to stay steady as it continues to get updates and remains in use by a lot of major companies. A lot of aspiring…

Why Choose MERN Stack for Your Applications? Advantages of MERN Stack for Web Development

October 26, 2022
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. MERN stack is an open-source, full-stack JavaScript solution to build dynamic, responsive, advanced and attractive websites or applications quickly and easily.

Top 10 Development Tools to Build the Best Web Applications

October 14, 2022
Best tools to build Great Web Applications.

How To Hire iOS Developers – Recruiter and Employer Guide for 2022

September 5, 2022
Finding talented iOS developers is not an easy task. Here is a compiled list of tips and different steps that you can take to help you in the process of…

How to Hire PHP Laravel Developers – Recruiter and Employer Guide for 2022

August 29, 2022
A non-complex, easy-to-use framework, PHP Laravel is an important programming skill to have onboard. We have compiled this guide to help you hire the best PHP Laravel Developers.

How To Hire Java Developers – Recruiter and Employer Guide for 2022

August 22, 2022
Java developers remain an indispensable part of tech teams. Here is a simple guide on recruiting and evaluating professional Java developers to meet your business goals.

Generating Sales; In Conversation with Eric Klein, COO & Co-Founder Cloudonix

August 15, 2022
In conversation with Gaper: Cloudonix is changing the way companies manage communications; merging data and voice to generate more sales!

Top 20 Places to Hire React Developers in 2022

August 12, 2022
Everything to know about places hiring react developers!

The Best Web Development Trends for 2022

August 16, 2022
Everything to know about the latest trends of web development.

5 Signs of Software Engineer Burnout and How to Reduce It

August 10, 2022
All about software engineers going through a burnout phase and how they can handle it.

Remote Work = Remote Hacking? Five Data Protection Tips to Keep Your Data Secure

August 5, 2022
With remote work’s convenience comes the risk of remote hackers.

Hiring Developers in Brazil: Evaluating Costs, Skills, Demand, and Supply

August 1, 2022
All you need to know about hiring developers in Brazil

Hiring Developers in Pakistan: Evaluating Costs, Skills, Demand, and Supply (Updated 2023)

July 20, 2022
This article guides the reader about hiring software developers in Pakistan. It also discusses essential aspects of the software developer hiring process.

Hiring Developers In China: Evaluating Costs, Skills, Demand and Supply

July 19, 2022
Everything there is to know about hiring developers in China through Gaper.

Hiring Developers in the US: Evaluating Costs, Skills, Demand, and Supply (Updated 2023)

July 7, 2022
This article guides the reader about hiring software developers in the US. It also elaborates on important aspects of the developer hiring process.

Hiring Developers In India: Evaluating Costs, Skills, Demand and Supply

July 13, 2022
Everything there is to know about hiring developers in India through Gaper.

100 Powerful Leadership Quotes for Entrepreneurs

June 27, 2022
Leaders are leaders for a reason. They get to lead the rest of the world with their strong and meaningful words, and practical actions.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Software Engineer

July 1, 2022
To become a Software Engineer, one can expect to spend three to four years in school and work, depending on their background, experience, and career plans.

It is Time For Universities to Step Up: Tackling the Skill Shortage in Tech

June 29, 2022
The tech sector is increasingly changing and universities need to tackle the skill shortages issue.

How to Hire a Software Engineer: Education, Experience, Job Description, and Testing

June 16, 2022
Decide what kind of software engineer will align with your specific business needs.

How to become a Remote software engineer in 2022

June 14, 2022
The tech industry has grown at an exceptional rate over the past decade. This is not only due to changing circumstances. Technology is something we have become dependent on. Just…

Five Reasons Why Start-ups With Remote Teams Succeed

June 10, 2022
Start-ups with remote teams have experienced a high success rate. They increase efficiency and boost innovation in your business.

7 Fintech Startups to Lookout for in 2022 

June 1, 2022
The rate at which startups are sprouting is surprisingly high. With the help of AI, fintech startups focus on simplifying financial transactions. When we talk about this particular industry, it…

How To Become a Software Engineer Without a Formal Degree

June 3, 2022
Whether you're re-entering the job market or stuck in a job you don't enjoy,  then becoming a software developer may just be the thing for you.

Startup Woes in 2022: Is Remote Hiring the Answer?

May 30, 2022
There are many hiring challenges your startup can face in its early stages but how should you tackle them? A complete guide to remote hiring that saves you the trouble…

Planning To Hire a CTO For Your Startup? Follow These Steps

December 23, 2021
The tech industry is booming, and every entrepreneur out there is trying to bag the best talent for their company. However, whenever it comes to hiring senior management, startup founders…

Best Freelance Jobs for Beginners in 2022

January 13, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic and its variants have ensured that WFH systems continue to thrive and cement their place as the default mode of work. However, the normalization of remote work…

In-house Development vs Outsourcing | A detailed Comparison

January 18, 2022
In today’s world, outsourcing is seen as a worldwide phenomenon. Several corporations are currently outsourcing their software development projects.

Why are software engineers the highest paid professionals out there?

January 21, 2022
A software engineer is a trained professional who focuses on the development and design of software for various technical devices to maximize their efficiency.

A guide towards freelance jobs for beginners

January 25, 2022
Many people are inspired by the concept of working as a freelancer when they are seeking to develop a source of income.

Tech in 2024: Should Your Business Form a Software Development Partnership?

January 26, 2022
It is 2024 and you as a business owner/founder would probably agree that the past two years have transformed work systems for good.

Best choice of tech stack for iOS and Android 2022

February 4, 2022
In today’s highly competitive industry, having a unique product idea is merely the first step toward success. Creating a successful mobile app requires catering to a wide range of user…

Top 20 Benefits of Hiring Virtual Assistant in 2022(Updated)

February 10, 2022
Business owners often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and always running short on time. Twenty-four hours in a day seem very less at times. In fact, no time in the world…

Must read guide before using Toptal | Detailed Toptal Review (2023)

February 14, 2022
Toptal, which derives its name from the word “top talent,” acts as a middleman between organizations and freelancers. Its main edge is its pool of pre-screened freelancers.

In conversation with Aaron Smith, CEO of Sageflo, on Empowering Businesses Through Better Marketing, and Remote Work Advice

February 23, 2022
Aaron is the CEO at Sageflo. Gaper’s VP of Sales, Mustafa Najoom, had a little chat with him on the growth of company and navigating remote work dynamics in an…

In conversation with John Walker, CTO at Goalster Corporation, on productivity associated with Remote work

March 1, 2022
Recently, Gaper’s VP of Engineering, Ahmed Muzammil, had the pleasure of having John Walker as a guest on an episode of Founder’s Grit.

How did Netflix become successful

March 11, 2022
Netflix finds that a ‘responsible’ person embodies the qualities that make a person right for their company. These people are self-motivated, self-aware, and self-disciplined who do not need to rely…

How To Build A SaaS Product? Step by Step Guide in 2022

June 16, 2022
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a type of cloud computing service. SaaS allows users to access data from any computer or mobile device having an internet connection and a web browser.

Benefits of Code Review: Every Team Must Know [2022 Guides]

March 17, 2022
The basic purpose of every software development team is to provide customers with high-quality code. Having to deal with faulty code is a common problem for most teams. The best…

100 Business Quotes To Renew Your Perspective On Doing Business

April 25, 2022
As people turn, in great numbers, to starting business ventures of their own, it is a good idea to look at words of wisdom from individuals with prior experience in…

On the Road to Fund Raising: Hiring the Best for Your Startup

May 16, 2022
There is a lot of work involved in starting a new company. A startup must go through a series of barriers, including refining an idea, finding a team, and creating…

Skill Shortages in 2021: Why Remote Engineer Teams Are the Answer

December 17, 2021
Talent shortages are at a 10-year high in the US. The statistics for this variable are predicted to be even higher for the upcoming years posing a tangible threat to…

The What, Why, and How: The Cybersecurity Skill Shortage

December 9, 2021
The great resignation is the talk of the town. Professionals are resigning, while companies struggle to find talent to replace them.

Dedicated Development Teams: Everything You Need to Know

December 9, 2021
Hiring remote dedicated teams has been becoming a go-to approach for a lot of businesses ever since the pandemic reared its head. Some companies are good with a few members…

Supply vs. Demand of Software Developers and Engineers: The Economics of the Tech Talent Shortage in 2022

May 17, 2022
The scarcity of software developers has made it more difficult than ever to find engineering expertise. We examine the facts and causes of IT talent shortages in the United States,…

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