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How To Hire Python Developers – Recruiter and Employer Guide for 2022

Your startup or enterprise may need to build web applications or other digital products at some point, for which it may become necessary to hire Python developers. There are some things you should consider to ensure that you hire the best and most skilled Python engineers for your company without burdening your in-house teams or finances.


Almost every business and startup with a tech team will at some point or the other need to hire a Python developer if they want to build applications or digital products for their customers. This is especially true for tech startups and companies that are seeking to, or have already raised funding from investors: a cool product is essential. There are two major problems that accompany the hiring process of Python developers and engineers: there is often a skill shortage, and the hiring princess is often quite long and costly.

If you hire someone who does not live up to the company’s expectations, it will simply accumulate more work for you and the rest of your teams to do in the future, not to mention the cost and time you will potentially lose out on. 

It is not difficult to hire skilled Python developers anymore though: remote marketplaces like Gaper and adopting flexible hiring practices can not only ease the HR stress but also bring remarkable efficiency and agility to your company. Note that it is these characteristics that determine how companies survive and thrive in uncertain times like pandemics and recessions.

So why and how exactly should one hire experienced Python developers? What if you need to build a team of engineers and developers? Let’s dive into the world of Python hiring.

Why Use Python For Your Development Projects?

Python is an incredibly popular choice for product development. Usually, the programming language you will use will depend on the exact purpose and intended function of your application/product, the major and minor features you wish to incorporate in the final product, the expected performance, its userbase, security needs, and other requirements that may be necessary to incorporate into the final product. 

So, in what cases is it ideal to use Python for product development?

Python has always enjoyed high popularity amongst programmers and other tech circles.  Thanks to an abundance of libraries and an efficient coding system, it is very convenient and easy to use Python for machine learning, AI, application development, web development, data science and applications involving embedded technologies. 

A more in-depth and comprehensive list of the uses of Python as a programming language can be found on Python’s website; the following is a list of domains that cover most domains that the language is used for:

  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • Business Applications
  • Scientific and Numeric Computing
  • Introductory programming language in educational settings
  • Data Science + Analysis Big Data
  • Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
  • Desktop Graphic User Interfaces

Other than that, there are several advantages of using Python:

  • It is easy to learn. Many Python programmers are self-taught and can easily continue to grow their mastery of the language. 
  • Visualizing data, no matter how complex, is easy thanks to relevant libraries.
  • Anyone with little knowledge of coding syntax can understand Python. This is particularly useful when collaborations between your tech team and business development teams is essential.
  • Python can support many approaches to programming such as object-oriented, procedural, and functional styles.
  • The libraries! So many open-source libraries to help make the coding process as efficient as possible. This means that Python programmers do not have to reinvent the wheel in every development project by writing everything from scratch. A lot of it can be found in the libraries.
  • Python’s efficiency makes it ideal for developing MVPs. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, which refers to a very early-stage version of a software product that has the minimum features required to work and be used by the intended userbase. Quick development of the MVP means that the coding team is able to get an initial feedback from users very early on in the development life cycle and appropriate changes can then be incorporated at the right time. MVPs are often used in focus groups and even when presenting an idea to an investor for fund raising.

Before Hiring a Python Developer

When you sit down to hire Python developers, sifting through hoards of LinkedIn profiles or CVs is not the right approach anymore. Whether you are a non-tech-savvy recruiter or a CTO or simply just collaborating with Gaper to hire or augment a tech team in your company, do make sure you have the following chalked out:

What Does Your Tech Stack Look Like

Put simply, a tech stack is the combination of the different programming languages and technologies that you will be using to have your application/project/product developed. A tech stack is a function of the nature of your product, its purpose, its major and minor features, the platforms it will be running on, the userbase, and other nitty gritties that will be better defined by senior engineers and/or a tech executive in your company. 

The key here is to ensure that the engineers you hire are familiar with the tech stack and the various technologies involved. While you may need to hire junior Python developers for some tasks like developing a quick MVP, the development of the complete product with its full set of features would always raise a need to hire a senior Python engineer.

The Scope and Size of Your Project

Start answering this by simply defining what the actual aim of your product is, what features it needs to have, and who it will be used by. This will then give you a good idea of how complex it might be, who it will be tested by and when, how many iterations it may have to go through, and what deadlines you would like to stick to. This will give you an idea of the number of developers you may need and the level of expertise that your project would require them to be at. 

if scope > 3:
  print("hire 3 engineers")
  print("hire 1 engineer")

It is often not that easy to identify the nature of a project. If you are unsure of how to deduce the size and scope of your project and requirements for a Python developer’s profile from your goals, feel free to get in touch with us. 

The Features You Are Looking For

Write these out in terms of their functionality. It does not matter if your descriptions are not technical enough – your CTO or a technical head can help with that. If not, we would be happy to help you organize and jot down the technical descriptions of your desired product. In listing out these things, it is important to get input from someone with a technical background. If you do not have any one in your company, Gaper’s team is always a call away.

The features you list out will also determine what your MVP will look like. Create an outline or draft for that as well so you can evaluate if candidates for a Python programmer position will be able to meet an MVP target or not. 

How Much Work Should a Python Developer Do

Now, you also need to figure out what stage of development your product or project is at. Measure this metric in terms of the time remaining in the expected final product and your own deadlines. Based on this, determine whether you need to hire a team of Python engineers or a combination of a junior and senior Python engineer, or perhaps just one Python programmer.

If you only need an MVP made, a small tech team would suffice. If you wish to start building or are in the middle of building a complete software product with a full set of features, you may need to hire both junior and senior developers. 

So how much work a Python developer will do will depend on the nature/complexity of work that needs to be completed, the deadlines you are trying to meet, and the amount of work needed to be done.

Remember that you cannot really compare your requirements and expectations from Python developers by comparing yourself with other teams of Python engineers. If your entrepreneur friend is getting an app made for their EdTech startup, and you want an application made for your FinTech startup, both of you will need to evaluate and hire your Python candidates in a different manner.

Putting Together and Managing a Development Team

Once you do onboard a team of skilled Python engineers for your startup/company, the next course of action should be to implement a work culture and a system of processes that will ensure that a high quality of work gets done on time. Make sure there is either a senior engineer or a tech lead that can oversee the progress of your team. If it is hard for you to hire a senior tech individual, we’d be happy to augment your team however needed.

Onboarding != Shirts and Mugs

Sending over a little pack of a t-shirt, mug, pen, notebook, and some other item with your company logo and having a little introduction meeting with your new hire does not constitute onboarding. At least not when it is a Python developer who has to start work on a complex application on their next day. 

Not only should you spend time in familiarizing them with the ins and outs of your team/company culture, you should also run by them the entire scope, purpose, and progress (if any) of your project. Make sure they understand the team dynamics, workflows, appropriate communication and productivity tools, as well as their own responsibilities as a team member. At Gaper, we encourage our engineers to take complete ownership of the project/product that they are working on for our clients.  

Managing Python Developers

Now you will also need to decide how your team of Python (and other) developers is managed. If you choose to hire Python engineers from Gaper, a system conducive to efficient remote work will need to be figured out (which we will be happy to help you with). If you have a hybrid team of developers, a similar plan would need to be formed.

Whatever system of work you choose to implement, effective communication is essential: between you and the development team, and amongst each member of said team. Schedule regular meetings with a pre-specified flow of communication so that no time is wasted in figuring out what to ask of whom. This will not only ensure accountability but also let you and other tech leads help the team in case of any roadblocks or hiccups. Very importantly, it will also keep everyone on the team on the same page when it comes to the project progress, future plan and feedback.

A final tip with regards to managing is to not micromanage too much. If you have effective communication and accountability systems in place, the team should find a natural flow of work to follow it. 

Keep Your Team Motivated!

Finally, know the value of acknowledging and appreciating the hard work your team will put in. Share small wins related to the product that they worked on, recognize the time and effort everyone put into building and inculcate a culture where your tech team members motivate and uplift each other as well.

Burnout is far too common amongst professionals across all lines of work these days. Keep an eye on how everyone is doing rather than foster a culture of work pressure and toxic leadership. 

A key point here is to treat your remote team members and those present in the office equally. Now proximity bias has been a very common problem amongst hybrid teams. What is proximity bias? It is the notion that individuals who visit and work at the office more than WFH/remote employees get to spend more time in the physical presence of company leaders and thus are favored more than those who do not visit the office regularly. As a leader, it is your duty to ensure that this is eliminated or at least minimized so that the team camaraderie and collaborative ability are not disturbed. 

Finding and Hiring Experienced Python Developers

#Keyword: “Experienced”

In order to hire experienced Python developers who will bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to your team and company, you will need to look for professionals with a broader range of skillsets: this includes both technical and soft skills. 

What Other Technologies Are Needed For Your Project 

When hiring senior engineers and developers, you will have to consider all the technical aspects of your product, not just one area of expertise. Look for individuals who have had experiences with different tech stacks and domains of programming. Gauge the depth of the experience by understanding their career trajectory and the kinds of environments, businesses, and teams they have worked with. Soft skills are an absolute must here. 

An ideal candidate would be one who already has experience working in the sector or niche you also operate in. For example, if you are a health tech company, hiring a Python developer who has already had experience in the health industry or who has worked on applications or projects related to the field should be the first choice. 

Get Into the Project Details + Invite Ideas

Be very clear about the nature of your project when hiring Python engineers. Let them then share their own understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish. Allow them to share their own ideas that may be relevant and applicable to your project. This is also a good time to understand how they deal with short and long-term projects and goals, how they deal with sudden changes, and what problem-solving skills they would put to use lest the progress of a product bumps into a standstill. 

Don’t hesitate to touch upon slightly more non-technical aspects of a project in their interview. For example, get their views and knowledge on budgeting for small and big projects, or perhaps their own views on the makeup of a team for a specific kind of project.

Look At Reputed Marketplaces to Find Python Developers

Do not restrict yourself to the cousin twice removed of the manager in sales or the sister-in-law of your entrepreneur buddy when looking for Python developers. There are now several very reputable marketplaces for software engineers and developers that will ease your hiring burdens without compromising on the quality of resources you hire.

You can hire dedicated Python developers from any of the following recruitment platforms:

  • Stack Overflow – most visited hub for tech amateurs and professionals alike with millions of visits each month and a flexible cost system. 
  • Mashable – A popular source for tech news and job postings, you can post your Python developer ad for anywhere between $259 to $1000+
  • Python Job Board – A job platform on Python’s official website dedicated to Python developers where you can send your job listing for submission for free. It might not match you with a Python developer instantly, but it is one of the most reputable places around that already targets a very specific demographic. 
  • Gaper – Gaper’s marketplace for software engineers is also another platform to hire Python developers from. The engineers are vetted and the entire hiring process does not take more than 48 hours for clients.
  • LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed are also major touchpoints for employers when looking to hire engineers.
  • In case you wish to hire freelance Python developers and engineers for a small, one-off project, fiverr, and UpWork are also recommended places to find freelancers from.

Toptal is a popular place to hire developers from, though it is worth looking at Toptal alternatives before making a final decision.

Interviewing and Testing

When hiring Python engineers for your business, you will need to divide your hiring process into two steps at least: interviewing and a technical skills screening. Both can either be conducted in-person or via Zoom, Google Meet or Skype. How you choose to vet your engineers is entirely up to you but do make sure that a technical professional is also part of this hiring process. At Gaper, while we have vetted engineers for hire, our clients are more than welcome to conduct their own interviews and vetting processes. 

Evaluate not only their prior experience with Python but also other technologies and programming languages. Get an idea of their problem–solving skills. Don’t forget to address their soft skills like teamwork, time and project management, and communication skills. An experienced Python engineer should also be ready to help fellow teammates and contribute ideas for the progress of the project if needed.

Don’t underestimate the importance of testing their basic Python skills. You don’t want to hire someone who does not even know how to install Python or execute basic commands in Python.

Interview Questions to Hire Python Developers 

Remember that a pre-specified list of questions is not always enough to gauge a candidate’s Python expertise. There is a plethora of Python interview question lists out there that any aspiring developer can refer to to prepare them for technical interview questions. It is still beneficial to have a list of questions at hand to ascertain how well one is acquainted with the language. It may help to divide your Python interview questions into categories. This will help you in directing your candidate evaluations in a more business-appropriate manner. 

A beginner-level Python developer should be able to answer the following interview questions:

  • What are the main features of the Python language?
  • What are some popular Python frameworks?
  • Is Python compiled or is it interpreted? What do either of these terms mean?
  • Are you up to date with newer Python versions? Which of the newer features do you find useful?
  • What are lambda expressions?

For Python developers who are being recruited to work on more specialized projects, categorize your interview questions to structure your evaluations. These Python interview question categories may look like:

  • Interview questions about the basics of the Python language
  • Interview questions about object-oriented programming
  • Interview questions about Python libraries
  • Interview questions about web scraping and dealing with different data
  • Interview questions about data analysis 

What Does It Cost To Hire Python Developers

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
developer_characteristics = [[16, 2], [18, 4], [18, 5], [16, 1], [18, 10]]
salary = [83000, 118000, 122000, 80000, 150000]
developer_characteristics, salary = np.array(developer_characteristics), np.array(salary)
model = LinearRegression().fit(developer_characteristics, salary)
salary_predict = model.predict(developer_characteristics)

The above code snippet is just for fun; no company with a decent hiring process runs regressions to determine Python developer salaries. However, 20 points to your Hogwarts house if you can guess which two covariates constituted the x array, developer_characteristics.  

Python engineer salaries differ from country to country and are determined by a person’s experience, education, skillset, and of course the work they will be doing when hired. The following table compiles Python developer salaries in USD per year for different countries based on data available on GlassDoor, Indeed, Payscale, and SalaryExpert. Note that these salaries may become outdated due to inflation, deflation, recession, political events, or other economic variables. Also note that salary ranges may differ from one site to another because of a variation in data sources.

GlassDoor Indeed PayScale SalaryExpert
America $84,000-$168,000 $87,000-$166,000 $61,000-$124,000 $67,000-$120,000
India $4,670-$10,775 $6,500-$34,000 $3,000-$25,000 $2,000-$30,000
Germany $52,000-$75,000 $30,000-85,000 $38,000-$65,000 $60,000-$106,000
Pakistan $3,500-$8,200 $3,000-$7,000 $4,300-$12,000 $7,500-$13,000
Brazil $24,000-$48,000 $10,000-$48,000 $12,000-$29,000 $24,000-$43,000
China $148,700-$160,000 $37,000-$50,200 $15,000-$70,000 $40,000-$72,000
Russia $50,000-$135,000 N/A $10,000-$65,000 $18,000-$32,000
Mexico $16,500-$84,000 $11,000-$45,000 $15,500-$30,000 $20,000-$40,000
England $56,000-$110,000 $45,000-$120,000 $25,000-$100,000 $50,000-$90,000
Ukraine $13,000-$38,000 N/A  $10,000-$16000 $12,000-$22,000

Easy to Make Mistakes When Hiring Python Developers

Ignoring Soft Skills When Hiring for Technical Roles

tech_skills > 1
soft_skills < 0
  print(i hired a great python developer!)
  print("Error: Your developer has no soft skills tho")

A virtual cookie 🍪 for you if you spotted the actual source of error in the code above!  

Developers, programmers, and engineer job roles often carry this impression that they entail work that is done in isolation while being glued to a computer screen all day. This is thanks, in part, to some mainstream media representation of “geeks” and “nerds” but rest assured, tech jobs demand candidates to have soft skills. Not paying heed to soft skills would mean that your Python developers and tech team will not have critical and analytical thinking, adaptability, and effective decisions making skills.  

Not Screening Python Developers Properly

If you hire Python developers based only on their CVs and resumes, without actually vetting and screening them, your hiring process is incomplete. If hiring a senior engineer or tech professional to conduct this screening is beyond your capacity, consider hiring pre-vetted Python engineers from Gaper.

Skimping on Good Talent

You may think that you don’t need someone with a whole lot of experience or a broad range of skills but note that with more experience comes better and more efficient ways of doing work and problem solving (a critical skill for developers). Unless you are specifically looking for a beginner-level Python developer, don’t skimp out on good profile characteristics just to save costs. You can still save costs when hiring good developers without compromising on quality. You just need to look at the right places.  

Hire Python Engineers From Gaper: Client and Developer Communication 

If you would like to hire Python developers from Gaper, there are a few simple steps to follow.

  1. Set up a meeting with us from our Appointments page
  2. Discuss your requirements and project details with our VP of Technology.
  3. Evaluate Python developer CVs.
  4. Interview/vet Python developers on your own if you would like.
  5. Onboard the developer.

Developers hired from Gaper work like a fulltime, in-house (though remote) team for our clients with a smooth flow of communication and project management tools in place. Gaper is also happy to offer any further technical assistance related to the progress and plan of your project should you need it.


Q. Can I hire vetted senior Python developers?

A. Yes, vetted Python engineers can be hired from Gaper. Set up an appointment with us to get a quick overview of the process.

Q. What is the cost of hiring Python developers/How much to hire a Python developer?

A. Depending on the expertise and experience, Python developers can be hired for $25/hour uptil around $90/hour. The cost of a Python developer will also be determined by their location and the nature of your project.

Q. Where can I find and hire expert Python developers?

A. You can hire expert Python developers from Gaper, though we have a list of other platforms that businesses can hire developers from as well.

Q. What skills should a Python developer have?

A. According to edureka!, a Python developer should have the following skills:

    1. Core Python
    2. Web frameworks
    3. ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
    4. Data Science and Data Analysis
    5. Machine Learning
    6. Artificial Intelligence
    7. Deep Learning
    8. Multi-Process Architecture
    9. Soft skills 

Q. What is a Python developer’s job description?

A. Generally, a Python developer should be able to write code following efficient programming practices and test any code when needed, debug programs and be able to work with multiple applications as well as web services. A Python developer job description will vary with the kind of work and seniority level they are expected to work at.

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