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5 Actionable Tips of Hiring Software Developers for a Startup

Hiring software developers for a startup is an expertise. It combines avenues such as social networking, technical knowledge, process management, and intuition. Anyone who has ever been in charge of hiring will attest to the size and complexity of the task.

Developers undoubtedly rule in a world that is increasingly based on code. Also, software developers for startup are very critical. To attract top developer talent, digital titans provide attractive wages and benefits. Such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Startups Hiring Software Developers

Startups, so, are finding it challenging to attract and hire top software engineers. Due to a developer scarcity and an increasingly competitive hiring environment. They, in fact, do not know where to find developers for startup.

One of your most important hires might be a web developer. After all, it’s this person who will develop your company’s web presence. It allows you to communicate with customers online. As a result, it’s critical that you hire the proper people the first time. Otherwise, you risk damaging your company. Further waste time and money looking for replacements.

Below are 5 tips that can help you on how to find a good developer for a startup.

1: Staff Augmentation is Always a Better Option

When it comes to hiring engineers for your firm. Choosing freelancers is possibly the largest recruiting blunder you can do. It’s a risk to rely on freelancers. It may pay off if you’re lucky, but if it doesn’t, the consequences are devastating.

Freelancers frequently fail to assimilate into business culture. Which is a crucial prerequisite from the start. They may appear to be a cost-effective development solution. Yet, they actually put your startup’s finances at risk.

Short-Term Access in Self Augmentation

The greatest issue with hiring freelancers is that vetting their expertise. It takes a lot of time and resources. Staff augmentation addresses this issue by offering short-term access.

They provide access to pre-vetted, well-qualified employees to accomplish specific business goals. IT staff augmentation eliminates two types of risk. Such as hiring freelance developers and the high expense of recruiting full-time developers. Thus, resulting in a win-win situation for everyone.

2: Equal Focus on Innate Traits and Experience/Technical Expertise

If you are considering having an in-house team of talented developers. Which provides you with a distinct competitive advantage. You have more control over the project and its management. Because the developers you hire are more accountable.

A skilled web developer with experience working for a large corporate can struggle. Variability, adaptability, risk-taking, and a self-starter mindset are all vital in a startup. Yet, they may be less so in a huge corporation.

Thus, it’s crucial, when looking for a developer you focus on. For example, how well they merge in with your team and company culture. The so-called “company values” or the DNA of your startup is crucial. Also, it could be anything. Such as fostering a culture of hustling 24/7, or being low-key and flexible with deadlines.

It could be working in teams and adapting or working on solo projects. This also leads me to my next point which is assessing these skills realistically.

Soft-Skills of Developers

Let’s be honest, only in an ideal world would a candidate be truly their honest self in interviews. Soft skills are faking by a candidate. He can easily convince you in an interview that they are the best team player. Yet fail miserably in something as simple as communication when it comes to the real deal.

One way some companies deal with this is by assigning “test projects” to the candidate. So, about assessing them in a real-world context.

When doing developer interviews, having a panel of many members can help to mitigate risk. When it comes to shortlisting and selecting developers for your firm. Having a technical expert on board means the difference between a solid hire and a possible disaster.

If you’re a technical person or have a technical co-founder. Who can handle the technical side of things, you’ll be fine, but if you’re not, you might find yourself out of your depth?

3: Asses Them on Small Projects

Giving a prospect an issue to solve is the greatest method to see if they’d be a good fit for the position you’re looking for. You won’t get actual insights from a fictional challenge. Instead, ask them to work on a real-world problem.

You can examine how quick the candidate is at providing things as well as the quality of the end product. Some questions that you should be asking yourself here are:

  • Was he or she willing to go above and beyond to ensure that the project was delivered?
  • How much creativity did he or she bring to the project?
  • In which way or how well did he or she discuss concerns. Also, react to delays as part of a team?
  • How open were they to collaborating and receiving feedback?

It’s common practice with recruiters to have candidates solve problems creatively. So, have the candidate layout their “game plan” on how they will approach the given problem. Further, have them write a code without worrying about bug fixes to test speed. Have them fix bugs in a pre-written code. There are multiple ways a candidate tested out with different approaches to solve an issue.

Flow of Asking Questions

The candidate’s approach to the challenge will reveal some things. Whether they are correctly approaching the problem or not. Moreover, whether they would be a suitable fit for your startup or not.

Don’t make the mistake of getting stuck in asking trivia questions. Such as asking about the origin of PHP or who developed Java. Never ask questions that can be readily looked up and answered on the internet.

Instead, listen and ask open-ended questions. Look for how much passion they show in their response. Also, how well they articulate and clarify technical concepts.

Are you looking for people in the right places?

As mentioned before, the biggest challenge to hiring developers for a startup. The bulk of software engineers are working, and not looking for new possibilities. They aren’t likely to be on job boards, and they aren’t likely to be scouring your job postings either. Yet, there are ways and places where you can “scout” for developers and find pretty good talent.

4: Developer Events

Events for developers are a great way to meet tech talent firsthand. Developer conferences, hackathons, and other tech events. Hone your pitch; inform them about the problem you’re trying to solve and why it’s important. You’re basically one step closer to discovering the ideal talent for your startup. If you strike a chord in the discussion.

Remember, you as a startup, cannot compete with the perks and benefits of a big corporation. Yet, what you do offer is a dynamic environment with flexible times. There are lots of ground to experiment, learn, and work for something they are passionate about.

5: Online Developer Communities

Another wonderful location to find tech talent is online communities and databases. Likewise, Github and Stack Overflow. Software engineers typically use these platforms to share examples of their work.

You can not only create important relationships here. Yet, you can also learn a lot about their coding skills and guarantee that the code they write is clean.

Remember to not get caught up in “professional qualifications”. According to Stack Overflow’s hiring landscape survey, some useful insights came out. They say 90% of engineers have studied an additional language. Which was not part of their academic program. When judging a developer’s coding ability, a college diploma/degree is no longer enough.

The motto “hire slow, fire fast” does not imply that you must wait months to bring someone on board. Also, that you must fire team members based on emotional reactions.

However, as an entrepreneur, the formation of your startup team is critical. So, you must be extremely selective in who you hire and keep. When hiring, take your time, but if the person isn’t working out, let him or her go as soon as possible. A poor web developer can wreak havoc on the entire team and, in some cases, the entire project.

In small firms, where there is often a sense of everyone being in it together. Moreover, creating personal friendships, the fire-fast rule may be difficult to observe.

However, don’t let it deter you. Fast firing is vital. Even more so than hiring. Yet, to minimize HR issues, make sure you have clear expectations with your employees. So, they understand what they need to do to succeed and the goals they need to achieve.


When hiring a developer for a company, it’s critical to look for someone who not only has the technical skills. Yet, also shares your vision for the startup’s future path. Further help you to implement the solution to the problem you’re trying to solve.

Make sure the candidate you’re hiring is a suitable cultural match. For your startup the focus on the company culture. Aside from technical questions that reveal technical expertise. It’s also a good idea to ask non-technical questions. It will ensure that the developer chosen would be a good fit in the long run. Again, if the hire does not work out, it’s always better to let go than to have issues in the longer run.

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