Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Helping LLMs Learn by Example
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Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Helping LLMs Learn by Example

Chain-of-Thought prompting guides LLMs to higher accuracy by teaching them to think through problems methodically. Learn how this technique works.


Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the landscape of artificial intelligence and machine learning by demonstrating unprecedented capabilities in natural language processing. With models like GPT-4 and Google’s PaLM boasting hundreds of billions of parameters, the ability of LLMs to generate coherent and contextually relevant text has redefined human-computer interaction. 

Research indicates that LLMs can perform tasks ranging from language translation to sentiment analysis with a remarkable degree of accuracy, achieving performance benchmarks that often rival human capabilities.

However, as LLMs tackle increasingly complex multi-step reasoning tasks, traditional prompting methods have shown limitations. This is where chain-of-thought prompting comes into play. 

By structuring prompts that guide models through intermediate reasoning steps, the chain of thought prompting enables LLMs to break down intricate problems into manageable parts, enhancing both their interpretability and performance. This technique leverages the innate potential of LLMs, making them not just generators of text but also sophisticated problem solvers capable of logical reasoning and decision-making.

What is Chain of Thought Prompting?

Chain of thought prompting is a sophisticated prompting technique designed to enhance the reasoning capabilities of LLMs by encouraging them to articulate their thought processes in a sequential manner.

This method emphasizes the generation of intermediate steps, allowing models to express a logical flow of ideas leading to a final conclusion. Unlike standard prompting approaches, where the model may directly attempt to generate an answer, chain of thought prompting requires the model to demonstrate how it arrived at that answer.

Traditional methods like zero-shot and few-shot prompting provide little to no context or a limited number of examples. Whereas chain of thought prompting explicitly guides LLMs through reasoning pathways. When a task is presented without any examples, as in the case of zero-shot prompting, the responses may be ambiguous. In contrast, few-shot prompting provides a few instances but frequently falls short of providing the depth needed for sophisticated reasoning.

The importance of intermediate reasoning steps cannot be overstated. Complex problem-solving often requires multiple logical deductions, and a chain of thought serves to scaffold this reasoning process. By articulating each step, LLMs can better align their outputs with the nuances of the task at hand, leading to more accurate and reliable responses. Recent studies have demonstrated that models utilizing chain of thought prompting can significantly outperform their counterparts in benchmarks for tasks like mathematical reasoning and commonsense reasoning, with performance improvements as substantial as 40% in some scenarios.

The Mechanics of Chain of Thought Prompting

Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting represents a significant advancement in how we interact with Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly in their ability to handle complex reasoning tasks. CoT prompting improves LLMs’ ability to solve problems by helping them to express the logic behind their solutions. Let’s look deeper into the mechanics of this method, exploring both few-shot and zero-shot CoT approaches and examining the cognitive model that underpins the chain of thought reasoning.

Few-Shot CoT: Providing Examples to Enhance Reasoning

A Few-shot CoT involves presenting the model with a question, the desired answer, and a series of examples that illustrate how to arrive at that answer. This approach not only directs the LLM’s focus but also provides it with a template for structuring its reasoning. Take this straightforward math issue, for example:

Prompt Example:

Q: If you have 3 apples and you buy 2 more, how many apples do you have in total?
A: Let’s think step by step. First, we have 3 apples. Then, if we buy 2 more apples, we add them to the 3 apples we already have. So, 3 + 2 equals 5. Therefore, the total number of apples is 5.

The prompt in this example clearly outlines the reasoning steps, which include determining the initial quantity of apples, performing the addition, and providing a conclusion. By offering examples that follow this structure, LLMs can better understand the expected reasoning process.

The efficacy of few-shot CoT prompting lies in its ability to establish context and guide the model through the reasoning pathway. Recent research has shown that providing models with specific examples that mirror the problem at hand can significantly improve their performance, particularly in complex tasks requiring logical deductions. Models utilizing this prompting method outperformed conventional approaches by up to 40% on tasks including multi-step arithmetic reasoning and commonsense reasoning, according to research assessing the efficacy of few-shot CoT.

Zero-Shot CoT: Using Prompts like “Let’s Think Step by Step”

Zero-shot CoT, on the other hand, requires the model to infer reasoning pathways without the aid of specific examples. This method typically involves adding a cue phrase, such as “Let’s think step by step,” to the prompt. This phrase signals to the LLM that it should articulate its thought process, even if no prior examples are provided.

Prompt Example:

Q: What is the capital of France?
A: Let’s think step by step. First, we need to recall that France is a country in Europe. Next, we can think about its largest city, which is Paris. Therefore, the capital of France is Paris.

The zero-shot CoT prompting technique encourages the model to break down the query into logical segments, which it then addresses sequentially. The effectiveness of zero-shot CoT lies in its ability to tap into the pre-existing knowledge of the model, pushing it to self-generate reasoning without the scaffold of examples.​

Studies show that when compared to conventional zero-shot prompting techniques, zero-shot CoT can also result in notable performance improvements. Research indicates that LLMs can do better on a variety of reasoning tasks, such as intricate mathematical and commonsense reasoning issues when they make use of explicit reasoning cues.

The Cognitive Model Behind Chain of Thought

At its core, chain of thought prompting mimics human cognitive processes by encouraging LLMs to simulate how humans reason through problems. The cognitive model underlying this prompting technique draws from psychological theories of reasoning and decision-making.

In human cognition, complex problems are often approached through decomposition, breaking down a larger issue into smaller, more manageable components.

LLMs, especially those structured around transformer architectures, have been designed to understand and generate language based on patterns learned from vast datasets. By employing CoT prompting, these models can effectively emulate human-like reasoning processes. The self-attention mechanism within transformer models allows them to focus on relevant parts of the input while generating each word, thus enabling them to maintain context and coherence throughout their reasoning.

When asked a complex question, an LLM can recall previous steps in its reasoning process, similar to how a human would keep track of their thoughts while solving a problem. This cognitive approach is particularly beneficial for complex tasks that necessitate logical deductions, as it allows the model to reference earlier steps in its chain of thought.

Moreover, the introduction of self-consistency, a feature whereby the model is prompted multiple times to ensure that the reasoning steps remain coherent, has further enhanced the effectiveness of CoT prompting. This process allows for the identification of the most reliable responses by aggregating outputs from multiple reasoning chains, reinforcing the model’s ability to arrive at accurate conclusions.

Practical Applications of Chain of Thought Prompting

The practical implications of the chain of thought prompting are vast, spanning a multitude of applications. CoT can be used to create tutoring systems that guide students through complex problem-solving processes, resulting in a deeper understanding. In finance, LLMs that use CoT methods can use sequential reasoning to analyze trends and make predictions, providing more nuanced insights into market dynamics.

Moreover, the popularity of multimodal LLMs that combine text with other types of data, like images, allows them to better reason across a variety of data types by utilizing CoT prompting. This integration could lead to significant advancements in areas like autonomous decision-making and creative content generation.​

Chain of Thought Prompting Examples

To fully appreciate the transformative potential of the chain of thought (CoT) prompting, it’s essential to examine practical examples that demonstrate its efficacy across various domains. This section will explore how CoT techniques enhance LLM performance through structured reasoning, specifically in math problems and commonsense reasoning tasks.

Math Problems

Math problems often require a series of logical steps to arrive at a solution. Traditional prompting methods may lead LLMs to jump directly to an answer without demonstrating the thought process, potentially resulting in incorrect conclusions. In contrast, CoT prompting encourages the model to articulate each step of its reasoning.


Q: A farmer has 15 apples. He gives away 7 apples to his friends. How many apples does he have left?
A: Let’s think step by step. First, we start with 15 apples. If the farmer gives away 7 apples, we need to subtract 7 from 15. So, 15 – 7 equals 8. Therefore, the farmer has 8 apples left.

The prompt guides the LLM to break down the problem into manageable components, ensuring that each arithmetic operation is clearly stated. Research has shown that using CoT techniques for such problems can improve accuracy rates significantly. For instance, in a benchmarking study of LLMs on arithmetic tasks, those using CoT prompting achieved an improvement in accuracy from 35% to 68%​.

This structured approach not only enhances the model’s reliability but also provides interpretability. Observers can trace how the model arrived at its conclusion by following the articulated reasoning steps. Also, by using this approach, common mistakes that can occur when LLMs only use conventional prompting techniques, like incorrect computations or misreadings of the problem statement, are lessened.

Commonsense Reasoning Tasks

Another job where the chain of thought prompting excels is in commonsense reasoning. Without a defined thinking pathway, these tasks sometimes need LLMs to draw conclusions based on common knowledge, which can be difficult. Models can better negotiate the complexity of such problems by applying CoT approaches.


Q: If a person is holding an umbrella and it starts to rain, what is likely to happen?
A: Let’s think step by step. First, if a person has an umbrella, it suggests that they are prepared for rain. If it starts to rain, the person will likely open the umbrella to shield themselves from getting wet. Therefore, they will stay dry while it rains.

The CoT approach in this instance allows the model to explain its logic, which is to identify the relationship between owning an umbrella and opening it when it rains. Research has shown that on benchmarks involving commonsense reasoning, LLMs utilizing CoT techniques can achieve significantly better results than those utilizing standard prompting. Based on a well-known benchmark for commonsense reasoning, the Winograd Schema Challenge, models using CoT could perform up to 30% better, according to one study.

Effectiveness of Chain of Thought Prompting

The effectiveness of chain of thought prompting in both math and commonsense reasoning tasks illustrates its broader applicability across various domains. By compelling LLMs to articulate their thought processes, CoT prompting enhances accuracy, interpretability, and the model’s ability to handle complex, multi-step problems.

Moreover, the implementation of CoT techniques has led to substantial advancements in the development of more robust and c. Researchers have noted that models trained with CoT prompting not only perform better on individual tasks but also demonstrate improved generalization abilities across various contexts​. As LLMs continue to evolve, integrating CoT prompting as a standard practice will likely play a pivotal role in advancing their capabilities.

Benefits of Chain of Thought Prompting

Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting offers significant advantages in enhancing the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Let’s dive into the three core benefits of CoT prompting.

Improved  Abilities

One of the most critical advantages of the chain of thought prompting is its ability to enhance an LLM’s reasoning capabilities, especially for tasks that require multi-step problem-solving. While traditional methods, like zero-shot or few-shot prompting, may work effectively for simpler, direct-response queries, they often fall short in situations that require deeper logical reasoning or multi-step calculations. CoT prompting fills this gap by structuring the thought process of LLMs, making them more proficient at complex tasks.

When given standard prompts, LLMs frequently provide a response without providing the reasoning behind their choice. This may result in inaccurate answers, particularly when dealing with tasks like symbolic reasoning, mathematical word problems, and common sense reasoning. However, with CoT, the LLM articulates a sequence of intermediate steps that emulate the logical progression of human thought, mirroring how we naturally solve complex tasks step by step.

Let’s say you have a math problem where the question involves multiple arithmetic steps. A CoT prompt might guide the model to:

  • Break down the problem into smaller components (e.g., “subtract X from Y, then divide the result by Z”).
  • Explain each intermediate result as it progresses toward the final answer.

By requiring the model to think in stages, CoT ensures that the LLM can identify and correct any errors along the way. Experiments have shown that applying a chain of thought prompting improves accuracy in math problems by up to 50% compared to traditional prompting methods.​

This ability to break down and logically approach a problem makes CoT essential for complex tasks that involve reasoning across multiple steps, including tasks like symbolic logic and scientific reasoning.


Another substantial benefit of the chain of thought prompting is its interpretability. One of the inherent challenges with large language models is the so-called “black box” nature of their responses. In traditional methods, the LLM generates an output, but the pathway it took to reach that conclusion often remains opaque, leaving users and researchers unsure of how the model arrived at the answer.

CoT resolves this problem by offering an unobscured view of the model’s decision-making procedure. Tracing the logic underlying the model’s results is made easier by making it explain its reasoning step-by-step. This feature is especially valuable in fields like healthcare, finance, and law, where understanding how an AI model arrived at its decision is crucial for building trust and accountability.

An LLM may be requested to analyze a complicated situation and suggest a plan of action in legal reasoning or clinical diagnosis. The model outlines its reasoning chain with CoT prompting, allowing experts to go over each step of the process before adopting the final decision. This improves transparency inside the system and enables experts to recognize and rectify the model’s faulty inferences.

Furthermore, the consequences of this interpretability for AI safety are extensive. Developers can more readily identify biases or mistakes in the system by looking at the reasoning process of the model. This allows them to adjust the LLM’s decision-making routes. This capacity for human monitoring offers a safer, more trustworthy AI system, which is particularly relevant since LLMs are increasingly utilized in high-stakes scenarios​.

Scalability and Accessibility

A major strength of LLM chain of thought prompting lies in its scalability and accessibility. Chain of thought can be applied to LLMs without requiring the model to be completely re-engineered, in contrast to other methods that need careful model retraining or fine-tuning to achieve high performance on difficult tasks. For businesses and researchers looking to enhance model reasoning without incurring high costs and lengthy training processes, this makes it an incredibly economical option.

Without the need for extra training or data fine-tuning, CoT prompting has been demonstrated to perform especially well on models with more than 100 billion parameters, such as GPT-3. In contrast, other methods like Tree of Thought (ToT) often require additional reinforcement learning algorithms, such as breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS), or the introduction of specialized controllers​.

By merely adding a structured prompt such as “Let’s think step by step” to the input, even zero-shot LLMs can exhibit improved reasoning capabilities. Whether the objective is to increase performance on particular benchmarks, like commonsense reasoning tasks, or to expand applications across industries, like education, customer support, or decision-making systems, this lightweight intervention enables the quick deployment of CoT prompting in current LLM frameworks.


As LLMs continue to expand in size and usage across industries, the chain of thought prompting will undoubtedly play a critical role in their evolution. This technique is crucial for both researchers and businesses seeking to optimize their models’ efficacy without having to undertake arduous retraining due to its scalability, simplicity of implementation, and accessibility. The way we approach reasoning tasks in LLMs has been completely transformed by CoT, and its potential for the future is enormous.

However, there remains much to explore in this domain. As AI continues to develop, further experimentation and refinement of CoT techniques will likely unlock even more sophisticated applications, allowing us to better leverage LLMs in decision-making, problem-solving, and creative tasks.


What is a Chain-of-Thought Prompting example?

A complex problem is broken down into intermediate reasoning steps in a Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting example to assist an LLM (Large Language Model) in coming up with a solution.

For example, the model would argue step-by-step in a maths issue like “If John has 3 apples and gets 2 more, how many does he have in total?” rather than just providing a response: “John has 3 apples. He gets 2 more. So, 3 + 2 equals 5. The answer is 5..”

This methodical breakdown clarifies the model’s thinking process and improves the interpretability and accuracy of its conclusions. This helps with tasks that call for profound thinking, like math or common sense reasoning.

What is the Chain-of-Thought framework for LLMs?

The Chain-of-Thought framework is a prompting technique that can be applied through methods like zero-shot CoT, where the model is simply instructed with prompts like “Let’s think step by step,” or few-shot CoT, where examples of similar problems with step-by-step reasoning are provided. The goal of the framework is to improve the reasoning capabilities of LLMs by encouraging them to break down complex tasks into sequential, logical steps. Rather than expecting a one-step answer.

What is Chain-of-Thought prompting in TCS answers?

Chain-of-thought prompting can be used to increase the precision and interpretability of LLM-driven solutions in the context of TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) or other similar industry use-cases.

In customer service or automation tools that use AI models to answer questions or perform tasks, the LLM chain of thought enables models to provide more transparent answers. Rather than providing a direct answer, CoT prompting may assist the model in explaining each decision or calculation it makes before arriving at the final response.

What are Chain-of-Thought prompting exercises?

Chain-of-thought prompting exercises are structured tasks that are used to train or evaluate an LLM’s ability to solve multi-step reasoning problems using CoT techniques. These exercises frequently include complex queries such as math problems, logic puzzles, or commonsense reasoning tasks that require the model to reason through each step before arriving at a solution.

Solving a multi-step maths problem or responding to a logical reasoning question where the model has to clearly illustrate each step of its thought process are examples of common exercises. These exercises help in refining the LLM chain of thought mechanism, making it more effective at providing both accurate answers and interpretable reasoning paths.

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