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How to Hire Software Developers Quickly: Simplifying Tech Hiring

Are you looking to hire software developers but with a better approach? Thinking of recruiting software developers and don’t know what process to follow? This guide will serve as your companion during these testing times.


Are you looking to hire software developers but with a better approach? Thinking of recruiting software developers and don’t know what process to follow? This guide will serve as your companion during these testing times. The news of tech layoffs is so common these days that you might think, “when is our turn?”

Tesla, Netflix, Coinbase, who’s next? However, it’s not as bad as it seems. Linkedin News mentions, “According to an analysis of laid-off workers conducted by Revelio Labs, a workforce-data provider, 72% have found new jobs within three months. As a tech startup recruiter, this is your golden chance to hire software developers for your company! 

Tech startups: a topsy-turvy state

Did you know that more than 91,000 workers in the U.S. tech sector have been laid off in mass job cuts so far in 2022? Where is all this talent going? We’ve mentioned in the above section how this is the right time for recruiting software developers

However, it is still interesting to know that CEOs and CFOs have no intention of cutting tech spending,” said Gartner chief forecaster John-David Lovelock. Before we move on to the essentials of ways to hire software developers quickly, let’s talk about a few more facts that give us hope about the tech situation. 

  • Worldwide IT spending is projected to increase by 5.1% from 2022 to 2023.
  • The forecast is that global digital transformation spending will reach 3.4 trillion U.S. dollars.
  • Many retail-tech companies are continuing to hire— some are even accelerating their recruitment. (Forbes)
  • While some large companies have been cutting back, midsize companies “that have been starving for talent” are taking advantage of the situation. (Techtarget)
  • Employers can expect high turnover to continue because of more job opportunities, partly thanks to remote work. (Gartner)

What defines a good software developer?

Are you ready to hire software developers that suit your company culture? Always remember there needs to be a step-by-step procedure. However, one should know what qualities, programming languages, and software developer skills make an individual the right fit for their organization. We will also discuss how Gaper’s software engineers can be the perfect match for your enterprise. What should you consider while checking resumes and interviewing candidates? Let’s find out!

Look for honesty and “smartness”

Steve Jobs once said, It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”If you think you’re the most intelligent person in the room, you’re on the wrong track. One should focus on recruiting software developers that bring something new to the table, be it expertise, a new form of energy, or even a better work ethic. Also, you can divide smart into several categories. 

For example, you’re a young entrepreneur who still has a lot of learning to do. Then hire software developers who can offer technical expertise and IT knowledge. Someone who’s into problem-solving would be ideal for any company, especially a startup. 

Choose a person who “excites and motivates” you.

Sometimes, an entrepreneur becomes too involved with the technicalities of a project. A creative individual can add some life to a project. Sure, it is crucial to monitor coding, errors, etc. To hire good developers, you need to see who stands out. You should look for software engineer candidates whose work history exhibits a variety of popular programming languages. 

The person in question shouldn’t hesitate to research and collaborate with different team members to formulate a solution. With the growing popularity of advanced AI and blockchain, finding such software developers has become necessary. We adopt a similar approach at Gaper by personally interviewing each candidate. Recruiting software developers is not as tricky as we make it. 

Clean coder with talent

A messy coder can become a source of stress for the whole team. As a recruiter, hire software developers with a sense of organization and innovation. Coding is a complex process that demands lots of focus and resilience. Therefore, a clean coder is less prone to errors and bugs. If you’re confused between talent and experience, go with the former. Talent can be refined, developed, and channeled in the right direction. Experience is essential as well. Again, it also depends on the nature of the project. 

Why is it hard to hire software developers?

Businesses, in many cases, may need to set realistic standards when recruiting software developers. According to a recent McKinsey global poll, 87% of organizations are already experiencing a talent shortage. Your company might be suffering due to several reasons. 

Flawed hiring system

The biggest issue is that startups can’t scale hiring processes according to organization needs. Do you have an effective plan to hire software developers? Recruiters don’t realize the importance of an optimized online presence, especially in remote hiring. 

The software developer description, searching channels for recruiting software engineers, and onboarding techniques might need amendment. As a result of this, you receive irrelevant applications. 

Relying only upon technical questions

Sometimes recruiters forget to question candidates about soft skills. More than one method of assessment is required. Switch it up, and use techniques to understand your candidate’s skills. Question their interests, and encourage them to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

Think as if you’re selling your company image. A startup founder or recruiter is the best representation of their organization. Candidates should see all the unique things you have to offer so that they make an extra effort to impress. 

You are not using staff augmentation companies

Why not involve experts if we want to hire software developers? Startups feel terrified of involving a recruiting agency.  You need to optimize for recruiting top talent instead of spending money on advertisements, training newcomers, etc. Why not let professionals handle the burden for you? For example, Gaper is an online job board that assists startups in finding some of the best programmers in the world. 

What are the benefits of hiring software developers through a virtual job board? First of all, you get more efficiency and a streamlined recruiting process. In addition, you can choose from a diverse pool of verified software engineers. 

Recruiting software developers: A better strategy

“Hiring the wrong people is the fastest way to undermine a sustainable business.”
– Kevin J. Donaldson. Hiring the wrong team can not only slow down progress. It prevents your business from gaining more clients. We will talk about what steps to take when you hire software developers

Be specific

Are you ready to begin recruiting software developers? A simple yet effective step-by-step process enables a company to hire the best engineers. If you want to hire software developers that are the perfect match for your company’s needs, then you need to do background research. Why would you do that? How can you involve a third party without checking up on reviews, client experiences, and the company’s prior experience? 

To craft a software developer job description that simplifies your research, you need to know what you want. Discuss details such as software developer academic education and work experience with your team. What else can you add? Let’s find out!

  • The programming languages developer should know
  • Number of years of work experience
  • What hard skills or software skills do you need?
  • Have they worked remotely?
  • Mention a market-competitive salary.
  • What online marketing tools and business communication tools do you use?

Software engineer job boards

According to a tech recruiter on Reddit, “hiring bias” and “filtering through the massive influx of resumes” are some of the issues they face while finding software developers. The discussion gives quite a lot of insight into the problems. An individual mentions how many software engineers “ hold a lot of weird biases towards certain technologies.” Eye-opening discussions like these on Reddit and GitHub tell you about the hurdles of recruiting software developers. 

If you are looking for credibility and a more efficient hiring process, then virtual job boards can be your savior! Firstly, if you can jot down all the software engineer qualities and add them to the search panel, then you’ve aced the primary step. For example, Gaper has an online form the user fills out with all the necessary details. The job board bears the responsibility of finding software for you. Hence, you do not have to worry about skimming through piles of resumes.

Especially if you’re short on time or a newbie to tech recruiting, then a trustworthy hiring platform is the answer to your problem. Take all the precautions and measures, and look at client reviews and names of companies affiliated with a website. Start with 3-5 options and then shortlist your choices. 

Interviewing and skill Test

Let’s say you end up with 4-5 candidates and are not fully satisfied. Then devise a test to ensure that hire software developers according to company expectations. As a recruiter or startup founder, you shouldn’t compromise during any hiring phase, especially the interviewing stage. 

A face-to-face discussion or virtual interview is the last step toward the final decision. Therefore, interview with the utmost care, concentration, and attention to detail. The test task should be related to your business, otherwise, it is pointless. Design the skills assessment in such a manner that it helps you in hiring the right software developer. If the result still confuses you, consider the referral of a previous client. Here are a few questions you can ask.

These are some questions on Quora.

  • “Tell us about your favorite project. What were the hard problems & how did you address them?”
  • “This is the first project we want you to work on. You’re the technical lead, and you’re starting from scratch. Tell us how you’d approach it from a project perspective, and your initial thoughts from a design perspective.”

A software manager at Amazon stresses how asking questions about the working of tools or programs can be interview game-changers. Usually, good candidates would exhibit some understanding. 

  • How does Siri work?
  • Design an object model for a social network feed.
  • Implement fillBuffer() and readBuffer() for a streaming music player.
  • When you search for “hello world”, how does Google know what to return?
  • How does Netflix know what movies to recommend to you?
  • Design the bookTable() method, and corresponding data structures, for a restaurant reservation system.

The questions below show if the candidates know the fundamental basics 

  • What are a software development lifecycle and its phases?
  • What is a feasibility study?
  • What are different software project estimation techniques
  • What are your favorite books on software engineering that you can refer to someone?
  • What is the difference between black box and white box testing?

How do you find good developers from Gaper?

Well it all comes down to the final question, why should you trust Gaper? At Gaper, we treat each client like a specialized case, since every business has its own set of goals, vision, and milestones. Hence, we promote exclusivity and transparency. We keep the client in the loop from day one so that there is no risk of discrepancies. Once the online form is filled out, the CTO will contact you for a discussion.

Hence, there is no risk of miscommunication. When we hire software developers Gaper, there is a language and skills assessment. With the trend of remote work and outsourcing teams, communication has become more important than ever. Our team understands this and works according to this philosophy. In addition to excelling at popular programming languages, Gaper’s engineers are excellent managers.  

We are strong believers in the no-risk policy, hence the client is given a trial period with a software developer. They may cancel at any time and we not charge extra. We will assist you in recruiting software developers that are a better fit. 


How can I make the hiring process easier and faster?

To hire software developers quickly, you need to devise a step-by-step process after corroboration with the tech team. The simpler the process, the more effective the implementation. Never rely on haphazard decisions, they do not work in favor of the company. Here are a few steps that will optimize the software developer hiring phase. 

  • Do a background research
  • Come up with a specific software developer job description with all the details such as programming languages, strengths, soft skills, academic background, work experience, etc.
  • Begin with exploring social media platforms and  online networks, not only to find candidates but to collect information on virtual hiring platforms
  • Keeping in mind client reviews, experiences and referrals, start adding your information to the top 5 job posting sites of your choice. 
  • Time to shorten your list, and start looking for candidates.
  • Make sure you are as specific as you can be, it will improve the software developer’s search
  • When interviewing the best candidates, conduct a skill assessment to choose the best software developer.

How do I recruit a software developer?

Recruiting software developers may seem tricky, however, it depends on the approach you’re willing to take. If you’re looking to outsource software development, sign up for an online job board once you’re 100% sure after your research.

The process is simple, you need to add your details such as tech stack, company name, company details, etc. The more information you give, the more specific results you’ll get. Never compromise during the interview stage.

Is it hard to hire software developers?

With the climate of layoffs especially from big companies such as Tesla and Twitter, it seems the tech talent market is hot. Companies are still worried about finding suitable software developers for their teams, this is due to a lack of an organized hiring method. 

It is not difficult to hire software developers however it demands a certain approach. With a hiring strategy in place, a clear job description, and a definition of goals for the employee, the search can be improved to a noticeable extent.

How long does it take to hire a developer?

It takes two to six weeks depending on the number of software developers.

How do I hire a dedicated developer in 2023?

Thanks to communication tools and social media, there is a variety of options to look into. From online job boards to online networks such as LinkedIn act as hubs of fresh to experienced talent. However, you need to follow a process especially if you want to hire software developers quickly.

However, if you want to save time and not compromise on quality, then internet job boards such as Gaper are the perfect option. Take your time and do your research. Consult your tech team to build a job description that contains all technicalities, soft skills, experience requirements, etc. Once you’ve landed on the homepage, all you have to do is fill in the online form and wait for a representative to get in touch.

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