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10 Expert Tips for Node.js Debugging & Profiling for Fintech Apps

Elevate Node.js debugging for fintech apps with top insights from experts. Master profiling techniques and ensure seamless performance. Learn more now!

In recent years, Node.js has gained immense popularity among developers, emerging as a preferred choice for building robust and scalable fintech applications. The statistics speak for themselves, with an impressive 51.4% of developers utilizing Node.js in 2020, according to StackOverflow. Furthermore, an overwhelming 66.8% of developers expressed their love for Node.js as their primary back-end technology for developing applications. Not only this, but a  Statista report revealed that 18.1% of respondents worldwide considered Node.js as one of the most desirable technologies for their development projects.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance web applications. Node.js is built on the V8 Javascript engine that is also used by Google Chrome. It is the V8 javascript engine that provides a runtime environment for the execution of code outside a web browser.

Previously, Javascript was only used for the front-end inorder to enhance user experience.  However, with the advent of Node.js, JavaScript can now be used on the server side as well. This means that developers can write JavaScript code to handle server-side logic, interact with databases, and perform various server-related tasks. 

Node.js utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it highly efficient and well-suited for applications that require real-time communication or handle a large number of concurrent connections. It allows developers to build fast and scalable network applications, making it particularly popular for building APIs, web servers, real-time chat applications, streaming services, and other types of server-side applications.

Why use Node.js?

 Node.js has become increasingly popular due to its powerful features. It offers a low memory footprint compared to other languages, allowing developers to build more complex applications using fewer resources. Additionally, it provides a wide range of modules for creating powerful applications such as web servers and database connectors. Furthermore, Node.js has a large community of active users who constantly develop new packages and tools for the platform.

Node.js also has great scalability due to its asynchronous nature which enables it to handle multiple tasks simultaneously with minimal performance degradation. This makes it suitable for demanding applications like media streaming or real-time gaming services.

In short, Node.js is a powerful platform that can be used to create high-performance applications in various domains such as eCommerce, enterprise apps, IoT development, etc. Debugging and profiling Node.js applications can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with performance issues.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 pieces of advice for Node.js debugging and profiling techniques for fintech applications.

10 Expert Tips for Node.js Debugging & Profiling for Fintech Apps

Use the Right Tools

Node.js comes with a built-in debugger called node-inspect that can be accessed via the command-line interface. You can use it simply by running your program like this: 

node inspect <YOUR_SCRIPT>.js

 However, there are more advanced tools that can help you debug and profile your applications more efficiently. This will not only help you identify and fix your bugs fast but will also save you from the frustration that you go through when you’re trying to find out why your program crashed.

One of the tools you can use is Postman. You can configure, save, and execute API commands with the help of Postman, a compact application. While using the browser to simulate running commands like GET is simple, doing the same for POST requests is more difficult. You can configure the API requests in Postman and launch them with a single click. In other words, you can execute a series of linked commands and pass on the results.  Postman can be a savior for you if you’re working on a sophisticated API.

Another powerful tool that gives you a package of almost everything is the Chrome DevTools. Here are some key features of Chrome DevTools that can help you debug your Node.js applications:

JavaScript Debugging: DevTools allows you to set breakpoints, step through your code, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions during runtime. You can easily navigate through your code and identify issues or bugs.

Network Monitoring: With the Network panel, you can monitor and analyze network requests made by your Node.js application. You can inspect the request and response headers, view the response body, and identify any errors or performance issues related to network communication.

Console: The Console panel provides a JavaScript console where you can log messages, inspect objects, and execute arbitrary JavaScript code. It can be handy for debugging and experimenting with your Node.js application’s code.

Memory Profiling: DevTools includes a Memory Panel that allows you to take memory snapshots of your Node.js application. You can analyze memory usage, identify memory leaks, and optimize memory consumption.

CPU Profiling: The Performance panel enables you to record and analyze CPU profiles of your Node.js application. It helps you understand which functions or operations are causing high CPU usage and optimize your code accordingly.

Application State Inspection: DevTools provides a variety of panels to inspect different aspects of your Node.js application, such as the Elements panel for inspecting the DOM, the Sources panel for viewing and debugging JavaScript files, and the Performance panel for monitoring performance metrics.

Another option is using third-party profiling tools like New Relic and SolarWinds to help you identify performance bottlenecks.

Use Flags

A debugger is a tool that allows you to examine the state of your code at any given time during its execution. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to identify and fix bugs in your Node.js application. One popular debugger for Node.js is the built-in debugger. To use it, simply add the “–inspect” flag when starting your Node.js application and then connect to the debugger using a tool such as Chrome DevTools.You can also use the –inspect-brk flag to start Node.js in debug mode and pause it at the beginning of the code execution.

Node.js also has several built-in profiling flags that you can use to profile your applications. For instance, you can use the –prof flag to start Node.js in profiling mode, which allows you to generate a CPU profile. You can also use the –heap-prof flag to generate a heap snapshot, which helps you understand the memory usage of your application.

Avoid Blocking Code

In Node.js, blocking code can cause performance issues. This happens because synchronous operations block the main thread making it no longer available for processing incoming requests. As a result, their response time increases and throughput decreases. Therefore,  you should avoid using synchronous operations whenever possible and use asynchronous operations instead.  

To handle asynchronous operations, you can use techniques such as async/await, promises, or callbacks.  This will allow you to execute non-blocking operations and handle multiple requests concurrently.

For CPU-intensive tasks that may block the main event loop, it is advisable to move them to worker threads or child processes. For those who don’t know what worker threads are, they enable parallel computations without blocking the event loop, utilizing multi-core CPUs effectively. The worker_threads module in Node.js facilitates the creation and management of worker threads. 

 Similarly, the child_process module allows you to spawn child processes to run separate Node.js instances or execute external commands. Offloading resource-intensive tasks to worker threads or child processes helps maintain application responsiveness and prevents blocking the main thread.

Monitor Resource Consumption

You need to monitor your resources regularly to debug and profile Node.js applications effectively. By monitoring system resources, you can gain insights into the behavior of your Node.js application and identify any areas where resource consumption is excessive or inefficient. This information serves as a valuable guide for performance optimization, ensuring that your application runs smoothly and efficiently under varying workloads.

 For this purpose, you can use the Node.js Process Manager. It provides insights into the application’s resource consumption, allowing you to gauge its efficiency and detect potential bottlenecks. 

For more advanced and granular resource monitoring, you can leverage specialized tools such as AppDynamics. These tools provide in-depth performance monitoring, allowing you to analyze resource consumption down to the individual function or transaction level. They offer comprehensive dashboards, alerts, and analytics, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your Node.js application for maximum efficiency.

Use Logging

Logging is an essential part of troubleshooting and debugging. You should use logging libraries like Winston or Bunyan to log relevant information in your application. You can also use log aggregation tools like Logstash or Fluentd to collect, process, and analyze logs. By adding log statements to your code, you can track the flow of your application and identify any issues that may be causing errors. Additionally, logging can be used to profile your application by tracking the time it takes for certain functions or processes to complete.

Use Debugging Best Practices

When debugging your Node.js applications, you should follow best practices like isolating the problem, reproducing the issue, and debugging in small iterations. You should also use conditional breakpoints, watch expressions, and evaluate expressions to gain more insights into your application’s state.

Test-driven development (TDD) is a development methodology that involves writing tests for your code before writing the code itself. This can be incredibly helpful for debugging and profiling Node.js applications, as it allows you to identify and fix issues before they become a problem in production.

Use Profiling Best Practices

When profiling your Node.js applications, you should use best practices like focusing on the most significant performance issues, profiling representative workloads, and using baseline measurements. You should also use flame graphs, speed profiles, and memory profiles to identify performance bottlenecks.

Digging in more on Memory Profiles, Memory profiling is a technique for identifying memory leaks and other issues related to memory usage in your Node.js application. One popular memory profiler for Node.js is the Chrome DevTools Memory panel. By using a memory profiler, you can identify and fix memory-related issues in your code.

You should also document your debugging and profiling techniques to ensure they’re reusable and shareable. You can use tools like Confluence or Notion to document your techniques, including screenshots, code snippets, and best practices.

Use Automated Testing 

Automated testing can help you identify issues before they reach production, which can save you a lot of debugging and troubleshooting time. By employing testing frameworks such as Mocha or Jest, you can write automated tests that verify the correctness and functionality of your code. These tests can help identify issues early in the development process, enabling you to catch and fix bugs before they reach the production environment. Automated testing provides a reliable and systematic approach to identifying and preventing potential issues, ultimately saving time and effort in the debugging and troubleshooting phase.

Use Performance Analysis Tools

There are several performance analysis tools available for Node.js applications. These tools can help you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your code for better performance. One popular tool is the Node.js Profiler, which allows you to profile your application and identify performance issues.

You can do your own research and look for tools that can provide the application’s runtime behavior,  identify performance bottlenecks, and make informed optimizations. By utilizing performance analysis tools, you can gain insights into the execution flow, resource utilization, and potential areas for optimization, resulting in a more efficient and high-performing application.

Optimize Your Code

Optimizing your code is a fundamental step in debugging and profiling Node.js applications. There are various techniques you can employ to optimize your code and improve performance. Minimizing I/O operations, such as reducing database queries or file system access, can significantly enhance the application’s efficiency. Caching frequently accessed data can help reduce redundant computations and enhance response times. 

Additionally, leveraging asynchronous programming techniques, such as utilizing non-blocking operations or employing event-driven architectures, can further improve the responsiveness and scalability of your application.

Use Error Handling

Error handling is another important technique for debugging and profiling Node.js applications. By implementing robust error-handling mechanisms, you can capture and handle errors gracefully, preventing crashes and unexpected behavior. Properly structured error handling can provide valuable insights into the root causes of issues, facilitating faster bug identification and resolution. Well-designed error handling also enhances the maintainability of your codebase, making it easier to track down and fix bugs.

Use Code Reviews

Code reviews are a valuable practice. By having peers or experienced developers review your code, you can benefit from fresh perspectives and identify potential issues that may have been overlooked. Code reviews help detect logical errors, performance issues, and areas where code can be optimized. Collaborative code reviews foster a culture of quality and encourage best practices, ultimately resulting in more robust and efficient code.

Keep Your Dependencies Up-to-Date

Make it a habit of regularly updating your dependencies. Keeping your dependencies up-to-date ensures that you have the latest bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. Outdated dependencies can introduce compatibility issues or vulnerabilities that may impact the stability and security of your application. By actively managing and updating your dependencies, you can mitigate potential risks and maintain a healthy and reliable codebase.


Debugging and profiling Node.js applications for fintech solutions can be challenging, but following these top 10 pieces of advice can help you mitigate issues more efficiently. Remember to use the right tools, profiling and debugging flags, avoid blocking code, monitor resource consumption, use logging, follow best practices, use automated testing, and document your techniques.

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